We performed two changes on how to work with triggers in the editor!
The first change that will facilitate your work is renaming the “Actions” Component Menu to “Triggers.” As any action is a result of a trigger, we believe the name change will streamline your process. Triggers tell you what happens when users interact with different Components in specific ways. For instance, a button with a “click” trigger will allow you to run actions when a user clicks on it.
The second change enables you to add additional Triggers directly from the Component Menu. For example, you can add “become visible” or “answers changed” triggers. Initially, you could only set them through Rule Sets in the right toolbar of the editor. In other words, now you can set the relevant triggers within the Component you’re working on instead of browsing a long list of rules for unrelated components. Therefore, you will save time and effort on customizing your project.
Learn how to add triggers and actions in this help article.
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