Find what you need and add stock images to your creations with our latest feature
Don’t have the resources or time to create high-quality images? Fret not.
We now have our Stock Images feature on the editor!
Save time on your creations by instantly searching for pictures and adding them to your projects. Explore and discover over 5.1 million royalty-free best stock images for free, powered by Pexels and Pixabay.
Easily search images by name, orientation, or color, and seamlessly replace existing photos or drag new ones onto your project. All downloaded stock images are neatly stored in the Dot.vu File System under a folder named Online Stock Images.
This feature is readily accessible in the Advanced Editor by clicking on Images. To add your own images, simply drag the blank image placeholder onto your project and upload them.
Try it for yourself and watch your projects come to life!